Monday, October 7, 2013

Christmas Gift Idea #4: Crocheted Hat

It's time for Christmas Gift Idea #4, but first, a fun Christmas clip! I love this movie!

The Holiday

Christmas Gift Idea #4: Crocheted Hat

I'm sure many of you have friends who can crochet hats—and maybe you can too!—but for me, this was something I wanted to learn but just could not get the hang of it. Well, I finally decided I was going to sit down and try to learn how to do this. My husband had been asking me to make him a hat for some time. A crocheted hat makes a wonderful, personal, and inexpensive Christmas gift for friends and family.

If you are like me and have had trouble learning this in the past, check out this video and see if you can follow along, and stick with it! You can do it!

You'll need a crochet hook if you don't have one already. Here's a link to the kind I have: Then all you need is yarn and you are good to go. I've gotten most of my thin yarn from Michaels, but you can also find yarn at Hobby Lobby, Walmart, and other crafting stores!

She gives you the intro here about how to start your hat, but then she has more videos with how to continue. They should appear in the window after you finish watching this first clip. I found her videos really helpful.

And there you are—a gift under ten dollars!

For this one—the OU hat—I followed the instructions for the video posted above and then I crocheted the OU with white yarn after the hat was finished. 

For this one, I used white yarn to start and when I ran out I used the multicolor yarn you see in this picture. I just tied a knot with the end of the white yarn and the beginning of the multicolor yarn to continue crocheting the hat. 

Finally, I just used plain navy blue yarn to make Aaron's hat for him.

I hope you enjoyed this fun Christmas gift idea and if you haven't been able to make a hat before, I hope you will be able to now! Once you get the hang of the basics, you can branch out and start getting creative with it! The first hat took me quite a while to make but once I got the hang of it I could make them much faster!

See you next week for Christmas Gift Idea #5! :D

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