Monday, November 4, 2013

Christmas Gift Idea #8: Picture Box

One of my favorite Christmas movies growing up! I could only find the trailer for it. If anyone finds a clip from this movie, please post in the comment section below! If not, then I guess you will all have to just watch the whole movie! :)

Christmas Gift Idea #8: Picture Box

This is a great little gift I received from a friend of mine one Christmas. It's a neat, personal gift you can make for your friends and family.

You'll need:

A cute cardboard box (You can find these at Hobby Lobby. They have different shapes like this star.)
Paint brushes
Double-sided tape
Mod Podge
A few select pictures

First, paint the box whatever colors you or the recipient of the gift would like. Let it dry.

Second, tape the pictures you want to use on the box. (Use double-sided tape!)

Third, glue or stick the jewels or gems onto the box for added effect.

Fourth, mod podge the entire box and let it dry.

Then you're done!

It's pretty simple, but it makes really cute gifts! You can also use it as a gift box you can fill with other gifts you have for your friend.

Until next time...

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